While R U OK day reminds us all to look after each other, it is also a good reminder to be looking out for yourself. Here are some great tips from our Managing Director & Business Owner Sharene Dearlove.
Filter out the noise – focus on the meaningful Filter & choose your content wisely, block out what makes your blood pressure rise, follow the people, channels and platforms on Social Media that resonate & make you feel good. Take a break from the news for at least a day or so each week – you will catch up with what’s going on when you get back!
Every now and again a hard stop might be needed just to give you a reset.
IN General, everyday life
Turn off all notifications
- Whats app
- Snapchat
- You Tube
- Netflix
- News Subscriptions
FOR Business
Turn off email & Text notifications
- Set a reminder to check the above every hour, two hours – your choice!
- Set auto reply to emails to advise when you will reply
- Set expectations ie thanks for your email, I am researching and will be back to you within (for example) 48 hours
- Ideally get an assistant to filter your emails and set expectations
- Reduce incoming email by templating emails and implementing them in a workflow – I find a minimum of 30% of daily emails could have been alleviated by a templated email upfront explaining ‘what happens next’
Do what makes you happy. Could be as simple as;
- Sitting in the sun
- going for a walk
- get down on the floor & talk to your dog!
Make sure you take time for you, even if it is only 10 minutes. Is there something you did in the past that you would like to do again?
- Gardening
- swimming
- painting
It’s your Path. If you are doing something that doesn’t make you happy, what steps can you take to change it. Rethink it, you have the power to rewrite your life story. Could you do an online course? There are some really small chunked down courses now that could help you in a new direction, or even just to learn something new.
Does it really matter what others think? Turning 50 was a revelation –It is the gift I wish I could have given my 20 year old self and one I try to give my daughters every day! It’s one of the greatest gifts of freedom when you get to that place. Once you realise that it’s YOUR life you’re living, not theirs, it becomes easier to let go of other people’s expectations. And sometimes what you THINK they think, is a narrative of your own creation. There are so many but check out the work of Heidi Anderson https://bit.ly/3mWBq5o
Pay it forward It’s really simple, doing something nice for someone else, always makes you feel good! Buy the next person’s coffee, chat to a lonely neighbour, what could you do?
Communicate. RU OK Day is once a year – But you can incorporate it into your everyday – tune in to those around you and check in, ask them if they are ok. As a guide follow to format of Listen | Encourage Action | Check In. Some people won’t be prepared to share, and that’s ok too. The point is, you’ve told them that you care, you’re there for them and you have started the conversation.
Value Yourself. Treat yourself with kindness & respect & avoid self-criticism. (would you talk to your friend that way?)
Do Something Different. Rewire your brain, brush your teeth with your non dominant hand, learn a musical instrument, learn a new language! Call a friend and organise a catch up, in person or online! Check out https://bit.ly/38zzrvk BrainHQ
Drink MORE Water. So Simple but so effective!
Find One Good thing that has come out of our new strange times? With the length of the lockdowns and the state of the world, there will be many people who are struggling to remain optimistic. Be patient and empathetic during this time. Speaking to people though, this jolt has given many that moment to step off the conveyer belt of life and reassess what is important. BUT is there something that the change has resulted in something good. For me it was the realisation that my office could be anywhere!
Remember its IS ok to be not ok
What are you looking forward to most tomorrow?
Write down 3 things that went well for you today.
What are you looking forward to most tomorrow?
Write down 3 things that went well for you today.
What changes can you be make to make sure you are looking after yourself?