New Years Are For New Beginnings

New Years Are For New Beginnings

The last two days of the new year are for me a time when I like to ensure Christmas is all packed away and to clean my house from top to bottom.  I like to welcome the new year with a clean house……A fresh start.

So as I sit here after changing over another load of washing, I am starting to reflect on other areas that I can “clean”  other practices that may not have been serving me well this past year and changes I can make to not fall back into the same cracks again……after all New Years are for New Beginnings.

Whether it is personally or professionally we all have areas that we may need fresh starts.

Personally I would say that it is my fitness journey that needs that fresh start.  Its something that I am always neglecting, making excuses to not do….not making it a priority.  I love the feeling of finishing the run, completing the workout and just getting that time for me.  This is something that I am consciously working on daily to get back into……I’ve even downloaded an app and committed to a challenge.

Professionally, along with a lot of other people, I am a big YES person.  I am always happy to take on more work if I think that it can take the pressure of someone else.  Something I know I need to work on.  I love the feeling of helping people. 

I am a big believer in “Playing to your strength” and if you have ever spent any time with me in person or on the phone, you have probably heard me throw that line out there a few times 😊.

So as I step into the new year I am really going to live by that.  I am grateful to have an amazing boss as well as amazing support staff behind me, who work the same way.  We know our strengths and use them to back up each other weaknesses.  Learning something from each other every time.

We cant be good at everything right???

This is pretty much what we do for our brokers.  We know our brokers strengths and we back them up allowing them to concentrate on what they are good at.

Its time to think outside the box when it comes to support after all, I’m not talking about new years resolutions that last all of January.  Im talking a personal and professional lifestyle change……

What changes will you be making?